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Learn From Moms & Experts.
Nurse Drea is a parenting and child development expert with extensive experience in pediatric health. Her team has created several courses to help you tackle any situation, from coaching your children through age-appropriate stages of growth all the way up until college graduation. Nurse Drea’s courses are designed to help you be the best parent possible. Her programs address a wide range of topics that pertain specifically to your child and their development, including but not limited to: breastfeeding; common childhood illnesses & injuries such as ear infections or diarrhea; potty training – when it should happen how often, etc.; vaccinations requirements for school. The list goes On!
Feel free to browse our course tab for the program that’s right for you! If we don’t offer what you’re looking for contact us so we can customize an individual plan just tailored to YOUR specific situation
Monitoring Screen Time
Technology is constantly changing and with that comes the need to keep your kids safe on social media. The internet is a fantastic resource for information, but it can also be dangerous. Keeping teens and preteens safe on the web will help them avoid potentially harmful situations.
Nurse Drea has got this covered! She provides personalized advice to keep kids out of trouble while still letting them enjoy their lives online in ways that are productive instead of destructive…
Make sure your teens and preteens are safe on the internet with our new social media monitoring course! Nurse Drea’s team of experts will provide you with all sorts of tips to keep them safe in this digital world. You’ll receive 1-hour virtual coaching from an expert, as well as a print copy so that nothing gets left behind

Newborn Feeding
Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your baby’s health and nutrition is a top priority. A consultation with Nurse Drea and her team will help you understand how much they should eat, how often, when to start solids, and good breast and bottle feeding techniques. Lactation consultant services are available as well.
During your individualized 1 hour session your baby’s specific needs and challenges will also be discussed.
Click the book appointment button to schedule your individualized session
Work Life Balance
To have a more balanced life, try working on your daily routine, This is what the work-life balance program teaches you – easy and effective ways to organize your life so that it’s easier when things get hectic at home, school, or work!
This program discusses one way you can improve your Work-Life Balance by improving organizational skills. You will learn various techniques such as creating monthly calendars with tasks assigned throughout each day, meal prepping, household organization, and much more. Having a manageable schedule allows us the opportunity for self-care, which is important in order to show up as our best selves at home and or while being the best parents we can!

Postpartum Preparation
The fourth trimester is a time of significant change for both you and your newborn. Your body has gone through a physical and emotional journey from the baby being inside the womb, to outside its protection; but now that these walls are gone there will be many questions about what comes next.
The postpartum course will help prepare expectant or new parents with information about warning signs that indicate when they should seek medical assistance and how to best nourish themselves and their baby during this magical period in which everything adjusts back to “normal.” We cover topics such as:
- Swaddling and Swaying
- Feeding
- Skin to Skin
- Bathing
- Asking for help
- Physical recovery
- Nutrition
Baby Led Weaning
Experts agree that it’s important for babies to learn how to eat on their own before they’re one year old. The traditional transition goes from single-item purees fed with a spoon by parents, to a gradual transition to finger foods. Baby-led weaning flips this script by putting babies in charge of feeding themselves and teaching them about textures firsthand. The process begins by cutting foods firm enough thatchy hold into pieces which are made specifically for grasping, long enough that they can have a little portion sticking out of their hand that they can see, and soft enough to gum and chew. This provides both sensory satisfaction as well as practice controlling proper form while eating.
Book your personal session today to learn the best foods to start with at what ages and simple nutrias recipes. We can also discuss any challenges you may be having.

Postpartum Weight Loss
The average woman loses about 13 pounds (6kg) following childbirth, this includes the weight of the baby, the placenta, and amniotic fluid. Some additional retained fluid may also be lost in the first week, but the fat stored during pregnancy won’t disappear on its own. Through diet and regular exercise, it might be reasonable to lose up to 1 pound (0 .5kg) per week after giving birth- expect about six months or more before returning your pre-pregnancy weight whether you’re breastfeeding or not!
It’s important not only to focus on physical activity but also to eat healthy food sources like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Join our program to learn healthy habits for weight loss, along with recipes, meal-prep ideas, exercise techniques that incorporate your baby, and much more.
Toddler Nutrition
You may have noticed that your child is no longer a baby! Between the ages of 1 and 2 years, they will develop the skills needed to participate in family mealtimes. By two your little one should be able to eat most of the same foods shared by the rest of the family. This program covers topics such as finger feeding, using utensils, and drinking from cups and straws: it also discusses what foods are common at each stage during childhood development including age-appropriate textures, how much and how often to feed, choking hazards, food and drinks to avoid or limit, cow’s milk alternatives, picky eaters, and food preparation and safety.

Healthy Eating for Families
It’s not always easy to get your family on board with healthy eating. But, joining Nurse Drea and the rest of her nutrition team for some friendly guidance can help make it easier! Learn how to plan menus ahead and incorporate more variety at mealtimes. We know with busy schedules, it can be difficult to find time for meal planning or cooking healthy food in bulk meals that will last throughout the week – not just today! Join our team of nurses who are on hand and ready. We’ll help you get started by offering mindful eating strategies, preparation techniques plus tips & tricks around making healthier choices when shopping trips come up–we’ve got this one covered 100%.
Pregnancy Preparation /Doula Services
The birth of your child is an incredible feat that requires preparation and support from all angles. A doula can provide you with physical assistance, and emotional support. The doula is there to help you through the pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. They can provide physical comfort with techniques such as touch or massage while also assisting in breathing exercises when necessary; they give information about how best to feed your baby after birth and much more. The goal is to make sure mom and dad feel heard and supported.

Potty Training
There are many secrets to potty training toddlers, and our parents and experts can’t wait to share the best of them! Do topics include when is too early or late for your child’s first time going #2 on a potty? What should you do if they resist taking their pants off at all costs? Do reward systems work in conjunction with consistency? It can be frustrating when your toddler resists going to the toilet, but it doesn’t have to be all daunting! There are many ways that you can handle this stage in your child’s life. – So click the appointment link because here comes everything parenting experts want you to know- the best secrets about Potty Training toddlers
Co-Parenting Support
When most people first start thinking about raising a child together they imagine that this will be an everlasting journey but as we all know life sometimes throws us curve balls.
Whether you are going through a divorce or break up; living separately from one another with children involved – effective co-parenting strategies must still come into play so both parties know what needs to be done when it comes down to deciding on different living arrangements, school choices, bedtimes, religion, diet and many more.
Effective co-parenting strategies will help keep things civil between both parents and ultimately create the best possible outcome for the children involved. Book your appointment today to discuss possible parenting plans, and get advice from legal experts and co-parents alike on many situations you’ll face.

Breastfeeding and Lactation support
The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby are undeniable, but starting this process can be difficult. The process isn’t always easy, but learning all you need before giving birth will help streamline this vital connection between mother and baby. Breastfeeding support from an expert should help ease some difficulties when they arise and give tips and tricks for better performance. The right support during these early weeks has many proven advantages: increased immunity; better sleep habits, maternal weight loss, and much more.
Contact us for your 1:1 consultation with a lactation counselor.
Discipline Techniques
The different types of discipline often require individualized approaches. Deciding on what works best for your child and family can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Our expert parent coaches will help you navigate the many techniques available so that each member in your unit feels safe with their own style as they grow up into a responsible young adult. Our experts cover 5 discipline styles: positive discipline, gentle discipline, boundary-based discipline, behavior modification, and emotion coaching. By the end of the program, you will have all the tools to effectively discipline your child in a way that best suits their personality
Book an appointment today to see changes in your situation!!