Ask Nurse Drea

Elementary School back-to-school checklist with a shopping list included:

Elementary School back-to-school checklist with a shopping list included:

Back-to-School Shopping List:

1. School Supplies:
 Backpack
 Lunch box or bag
 Pencils
 Erasers
 Crayons
 Colored pencils
 Washable markers
 Safety scissors (blunt tip for younger children)
 Glue sticks
 Pencil case or box
 Ruler
 Spiral notebooks
 Loose-leaf paper
 Binders (if needed)
 Pocket folders
 Index cards

2. Writing and Drawing Tools:
 Pens (consider using erasable pens)
 Pencil sharpener
 Highlighters
 Dry-erase markers (for classroom use)
 Whiteboard or chalkboard eraser

3. Art Supplies:
 Watercolor paints
 Paintbrushes
 Art smock or old shirt for messy projects
 Construction paper
 Craft supplies (pom-poms, pipe cleaners, etc.)

4. Organization and Storage:
 Desk organizer or caddy
 Locker organizers (if the school has lockers)
 Storage containers for school supplies at home

5. Clothing and Accessories:
 School uniforms (if applicable)
 Comfortable clothing suitable for school activities
 Indoor shoes or slippers (if required by the school)
 Weather-appropriate outerwear (jackets, raincoats, etc.)
 School-appropriate shoes (sneakers, dress shoes, etc.)

6. Personal Hygiene and Health:
 Travel-size hand sanitizer
 Tissues
 Reusable water bottle
 Any necessary medications and medical information for the school nurse
 Healthy snacks for lunch or after school

7. Miscellaneous:
 Student ID card or school identification documents
 Spare change for vending machines or emergencies
 Emergency contact information for parents/guardians

Back-to-School Checklist:

1. Purchase a backpack that fits your child comfortably and has enough space for their supplies.
2. Buy a lunch box or bag that keeps food fresh and is easy for your child to open and close.
3. Stock up on pencils, erasers, crayons, and other basic school supplies.
4. Include art supplies for creative projects and activities.
5. Organize the school supplies in a pencil case or box for easy access.
6. Don’t forget writing tools like pens, pencil sharpeners, and highlighters.
7. Purchase notebooks, loose-leaf paper, and any binders or folders required for organizing schoolwork. 
8. Provide a ruler and index cards for studying and organization.
9. Buy a set of watercolor paints, paintbrushes, and construction paper for art class.
10. Consider getting a desk organizer or caddy for a tidy workspace at home. 
11. If the school has lockers, invest in locker organizers to keep things neat. 
12. Ensure your child has suitable clothing for school and any required uniforms or indoor shoes.
13. Pack travel-size hand sanitizer, tissues, and a reusable water bottle in your child’s bag.
14. Don’t forget any necessary medications and inform the school nurse about them.
15. Add healthy snacks to your grocery list for your child’s lunch or after-school treat.
16. Organize important documents like student ID cards and emergency contact information.
17. Keep some spare change for vending machines or unexpected needs.

Remember to check with your child’s school for any specific requirements or recommendations before shopping. This checklist should help ensure that your elementary school student is well-prepared for a successful and enjoyable back-to-school experience.

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