Pediatric Tips & Tricks
Learn From Moms & Experts.
Here you’ll find bits and pieces of the beautiful things in my life – my children, spouse, and the things we do like cooking, pediatric tips & tricks I have taken with friends, how I discipline my children, and even recipes! This space also includes plenty medical information for those who want it too such as tips on how I managed being both mommy, and nurse while maintaining healthy living, healthy practices during pregnancy through today’s times; what has worked best when dealing with certain infant/childhood ailments and challenges? How they can be avoided altogether? Finding out all these answers is half way towards making yourself feel more confident right away so check them out here.

Start Your Journey of
Happiness and Health Today!

Seek Help with common parenting challenges is designed as an educational resource for parents and care givers. Nurse Drea offers practical advice on how to successfully navigate the often-chaotic parenting journey.

Healthy Eating for Healthy Life
Make healthy eating a part of your family's routine by registering for one on ones with our coaches. We'll help you plan meals and snacks that will keep everyone happy, no matter what their taste preference is! Topics covered include meal planning, accommodating picky eaters and encouraging good eating habits in children and teens.

Achieve Peace of Mind
We all need a balance in life, but we're often too busy working or dealing with children's schedules to squeeze some me-time into our hectic days. There are ways for you to find the time! Maybe its is by taking care of yourself through exercise and nutrition, that will help improve both your physical health as well as emotional wellbeing so when stress does arise you are equipped to handle whatever comes your way.
Features & Benefits
- One on One Parent /Professional Coaching
- Healthy Eating Habits for parents and children
- Simple Language
- Lifetime Access to print materials
- Focus on Health and Organization

- Improve Your Parenting Skills
- Get Better Health outcomes for your Children
- Achieve Peace of Mind
- Gain organization skills
- Achieve more time for Self Care

The Coaches
You are in luck! Our one on ones with experts allow for a more personalized experience. You’ll be able to get clarity about your individual challenges and goals, so we can create the perfect plan just for you. Whether it’s helping new parents get their newborn sleeping through the night or getting picky eaters involved at meals again. Why not give yourself a little extra assistance, these coaches will make sure that every step along any journey is taken safely while giving guidance when needed along each path. The coach has all sorts of solutions tailored just right – no matter what stage parenting journey you are at there’s something new every day so call today before its too late!!

Newborn Care Specialists
You will have a Newborn Care Specialist assigned to you. The specialist will guide your family from the day of homecoming or birth, up until 12 months. They educate new parents in caring for their newborn/infant .

Caregiver/Parent Coaches
The internet is filled with blogs and podcasts that offer pediatric tips & tricks on how to be the best possible parent, but what if you need a more specialized plan? Parenting coaches provide consulting services for any challenge - from teaching new routines or coping mechanisms. They work closely alongside their clients by providing tools (ideas)and emotional boosts when needed.
Trusted by over 7000 Health Seekers, and Parents Worldwide.
“The baby whisperer: Our family has had issues with colic and she had answers. Nurse Drea helped with pediatric tips & tricks on soothing our new baby and some of the feeding issues that we had. The baby whisperer made our transition to parenthood a little easier so we could rest a little better”